Communication is an essential component of any business operation as it ensures everything runs as smoothly as possible. However, while it’s crucial for everyone to communicate effectively, leaders (i.e., executives and supervisors) must set the standard for everyone else. Fortunately, communication training for leaders can lead to long-term success within the organization.
So, let’s take a closer look at communication training and how it can benefit your business.
What is Communication Training?
Communication training is a formal curriculum where certified trainers teach individuals how to communicate more effectively. The primary function of communication training is to identify how well the person communicates currently, then establish goals for them to reach. For example, maybe a leader wants to encourage more dialog between supervisors, or they’re looking to improve their conflict resolution strategy.
Once the trainer and trainee have agreed on specific goals, the training typically lasts for several sessions spread out over a couple of weeks. Along the way, trainers assess the needs of the individual and may tailor the curriculum accordingly. In the end, attendees may receive a certification of completion, or they may have to move on to more advanced training, depending on the situation.
Why Do Leaders Need Communication Training?
Leaders within an organization set an example for everyone else. So, if a leader doesn’t know how to communicate effectively, that mentality can filter down to everyone else, including managers, supervisors, and workers.
Sometimes, communication training may focus on a specific type of communication, such as body language or sensitivity training. In other cases, training may cover more fundamental aspects of communicating and listening so leaders can express their ideas more clearly and efficiently while also collaborating with others.
Even if leaders feel confident in their communication skills, this type of training can help expand their understanding of the different aspects of communicating. Also, this training can be highly valuable as a precursor to conflict resolution, as communication is an essential part of resolving workplace conflicts.
Core Elements of Communication Training for Leaders
It’s one thing to understand the reason behind communication training, but now let’s dive into some of the essential elements. Keep in mind that training is often customized to fit the individual, so a course may or may not include every one of these components.
Active Listening
A substantial part of being a good communicator is learning how to listen effectively. Active listening means showing that you’re engaged with what the other person is saying and, when necessary, addressing specific talking points. This component is valuable because it shows others that you’re having a conversation, not just relaying information and expecting quick affirmations.
While there is no “correct” way to listen actively, you can use body language and follow-up questions to show the speaker that you understand what they’re saying. Also, asking for clarification about something shows that you care about getting the right information, not just trying to get them to stop speaking.
Constructive Feedback
Another core role of a leader is to correct problems as they arise. Unfortunately, criticizing someone else can often feel abrasive, especially when a supervisor or executive is talking to a subordinate. Communication training can empower leaders to frame the conversation more positively so workers are more likely to internalize the feedback and make changes accordingly.
Another element of providing this kind of feedback is understanding when and where it’s appropriate. For example, criticizing an employee in full view of other co-workers can feel targeted and personal. Instead, it’s much better to facilitate a one-on-one conversation where you can bring up specific incidents along with potential corrections. Having these kinds of meetings can also help put the worker at ease so they feel more comfortable sharing their insights and thought processes. From there, you can address any specific issues (i.e., lack of training) accordingly.
Finally, when providing constructive criticism, it’s valuable to follow up with check-in sessions to ensure that the person is correcting their behavior. Otherwise, without any incentives to change, it’s unlikely that anything will improve.
Positive Encouragement
As a rule, employees are more productive and satisfied when they feel seen and valued within the organization. Unfortunately, many leaders tend to neglect positive encouragement and feedback, meaning that most communication is either relaying specific tasks or critiquing one’s work.
It’s also imperative to understand that encouragement can look different for each person. One worker may prefer quick affirmations (i.e., good job!), while another may respond better to bonuses or financial incentives. So, leaders must communicate to understand what path will get the best results for each worker.
While leaders don’t necessarily have to share every detail with employees, they should make the effort to be as transparent as possible. The goal of transparency is to ensure everyone is on the same page and that there’s no confusion or misunderstanding. In many cases, showing the process for decision-making and the reasons behind those decisions can make it easier to get everyone on board.
Benefits of Effective Communication Training for Leaders
Now that you know more about what it takes to be an effective communicator, let’s take a closer look at the benefits that this kind of training can provide for your company. With the right tools in place, you’ll see substantial changes, such as:
Adaptable Workforce
All too often, it’s easy for employees and managers to get into a rut. When you’re performing the same tasks every day, challenges and obstacles can feel overwhelming at first. However, since you can’t prevent all setbacks, it’s better to create an adaptable workforce that can overcome anything they encounter.
Fortunately, when leaders are effective communicators, they’re able to facilitate open collaboration and problem-solving among staff members and supervisors. When everyone feels like they can contribute to the conversation, they’re more willing to work as a team to achieve specific tasks and goals.
Overall, effective communication ensures that each team and department is ready to face any challenge head-on. This adaptability is crucial for growth and long-term success, particularly as your business expands into new markets and tries to appeal to new customers.
Positive Morale
As a rule, happy workers are more productive workers, so it’s imperative for leaders to invest in making employees feel valued and empowered to accomplish their tasks as efficiently as possible. With effective communication systems in place, it’s much easier to address specific issues and provide positive feedback.
Additionally, when workers feel like they have a voice and are respected within the organization, they’re more likely to go above and beyond the call of duty. Typically, employees check out of a company once they feel like they are a replaceable cog in a machine. Effective communication illustrates the value that each person brings to the team, making everyone more motivated to continue their good work.
Fewer Conflicts
It’s surprising to realize how many workplace conflicts can be avoided with effective communication systems in place. All too often, conflict starts brewing when one person has misgivings or misconceptions about someone else. Over time, these feelings can lead to resentment and rivalry, which is bad for morale and productivity.
So, when leaders facilitate better communication between co-workers and teams, these disagreements or misconceptions can be alleviated immediately. While co-workers won’t necessarily become best friends, they can understand where everyone else is coming from and adapt themselves accordingly. Without this kind of communication in place, everyone is essentially flying blind, which can cause disruptions and arguments.
Overall, a comprehensive conflict management strategy involves expert communication tactics at all management levels. Everyone from daily supervisors to department managers should be able to recognize when conflict is brewing and instigate a conversation between the affected parties. From there, it’s much easier to come to a resolution instead of letting the problem worsen.
Steady Growth for Individuals and the Company
Growth is a mindset, and communication helps leaders foster that mindset within individuals. Just because an employee is in a certain position right now doesn’t mean they have to stay there forever. Effective communication allows for workers to grow within the company, adopting new responsibilities and filling new roles as needed. When this kind of environment is encouraged, the business as a whole does better, thanks to a more well-rounded and growth-centered workforce.
Open Collaboration
It’s impossible to collaborate with someone else without communicating with them. Collaboration is essential for a business to thrive because it ensures that everyone is working toward a common goal. Without effective communication systems, workers may take an individualistic or competitive approach to their work, leading to confrontations and backbiting.
Instead, it’s much better to foster a collaborative environment where everyone can play to their strengths and overcome their weaknesses. Communication allows leaders to determine where everyone will fit best for specific projects to ensure long-term success. Also, by facilitating this kind of collaboration, it’s easier for employees to understand where they fit in and how they can help the team.
In many workplaces, individuals are ranked based on their own productivity, but it’s often better to see how they’re helping move the needle, not how much actual “work” they put in. Some people can offer more value with fewer tasks, while others prefer to have a list of duties to take on, one after the other.
If you’re interested in training for leaders, AllWin can help. Contact us today to find out more about what we offer.

About the Author: Jeremy Pollack
Jeremy Pollack, Ph.D. is the founder of Defuse De-Escalation Training, a sister company of Pollack Peacebuilding Systems, the largest workplace conflict resolution training and consulting firm in North America. He actively participates in de-escalation training and consulting initiatives for a variety of industries, from Fortune 500 companies to well-known non-profits. Besides his Ph.D. in Psychology from Grand Canyon University, Jeremy holds a Master’s Degree in Negotiation, Conflict Resolution, and Peacebuilding (NCRP) from California State University, Dominguez Hills. He is also a member of several organizations focused on conflict resolution and peacebuilding, such as the Peaceful Leadership Institute, the Association for Conflict Resolution, and the Division 48 (Division of Peace Psychology) of the American Psychological Association. Jeremy also holds several certifications in the field of training and coaching: he is a Certified Organizational Development Coach (CODC™), a Certified Clinical Trauma Specialist-Individual (CCTS-I™), and an Associate Certified Coach (ACC) under the International Coaching Federation.